One of the motivations for me to begin using essential oils came from our journey through infertility. (read about it here) There was no real explanation for our inability to conceive. We are both young, pretty healthy and relatively active. There was no history of infertility in either of our families. It was the most heart-breaking, dark time of my life. I still struggle with it. To add to the hurt, we were told that we not only couldn't have kids, but we shouldn't have them. We were cautioned that any pregnancy might not be viable, or there would be birth defects, etc. We were encouraged to not only stop trying to get pregnant, but to take precautions against getting pregnant. For a woman who dreamed of almost nothing else, to be told I would never have my own child felt like a blow I wouldn't ever recover from. It affected every area of my life, including my relationship with my family. During this time, my little sister had two babies. I loved them dearly, but I was so jealous I couldn't see straight.
All this brought out my tendency to research, and I began to pour through books and documentaries on why this might be happening to us. Yes, it could be a fluke, but the more I learned, the more I began to realize we were not alone. SO many couples in our generation were suffering from unexplained infertility. It seemed to be an epidemic. So, what was the common factor in all these cases? This issue seemed to have no favorite race, gender, geographic or lifestyle preference. What was left?
A couple of documentaries I watched seemed to point to common environmental factors as the cause. Our generation has been part of a giant chemical experiment, and we didn't even know it. When we were young, we were put to bed in fire retardant pjs, and slept with stuffed animals laced with the same chemicals. We were exposed to more plastics, antibiotics and chemicals in our food than the generation before, and we were coated in sunscreen and deet bug spray every time we went outside. The childhood vaccination schedule changed, and many of us began to receive vaccinations on a level that most of the world has still not caught up to. Chemicals in the home were common. Most homes had several kinds of cleaners under each sink. Our carpet and curtains and couches were all coated in Scotch Guard to keep stains away. BPA was used on nearly every plastic object around us. Our diapers were made with chemicals that were banned in women's sanitary products because of known health risks. Our drinking water most of us used growing up was (is) recycled in a plant, where chemicals like chlorine are put into the water to sanitize it.
I could go on and on about all the different examples of enviromental factors that most of my generation have in common. The list is astonishing. How could anyone allow this to happen? Where are the studies that prove that these chemicals, when used together will not harm? A lot of the chemicals used in these products are known endocrine disruptors. Of course, each company makes claims that the amount of chemical in their product is safe when used as suggested. We are exposed to thousands of products. Everywhere we go, we are ingesting, breathing in and absorbing chemical residue left behind after cleaning and 'protecting' us. Many restaurants use bleach water (of varrying dilutions) to wipe down the wooden (porous) tables we sit at. Chlorine is then left behind. Spray cleaners are sprayed on to any number of surfaces and then simply wiped off. The chemicals are still very much there. This happens not only in public, but in our homes, where we prepare our foods, where we bathe, where play, etc. In many neighborhoods, pest control trucks release bug spray in the air to rid us of bugs. A good number of households are sprayed several times a year, inside and out, for pests.
Our world is beginning to wake up, and realize the implications of some of these chemicals. BPA for example is a hot topic, and there are a lot of companies who have banned it from their products. This is a great direction, and I am happy to see the change. We still have a long way to go as a society before the chemical experiment is over. We may not be able to change the world outside our homes, but we have the right (responsibility?) to make changes in our own homes. After discovering and looking into these environmental factors, I was amazed at what I hadn't known and I made the decision to do something about it for my family. No, I can not keep them from all chemicals, but I can control our home environment to the best of my ability. I cloth diaper, I (attempt to) grow my own vegetables, I eat meat grown and butchered by my family. I get eggs from my mom's chickens (who think they are pets). One big way I am battling chemicals in my home is by using essential oils and other safe products. I make my own laundry detergent, dish washer detergent, counter spray, soft scrub, glass cleaner etc. Instead of using aerosol room sprays, I make my own essential oil spray. I no longer use the plugin air freshers, but I diffuse essential oils. Instead of using beauty products laced with chemicals, I opt to make or buy a natural version. I am still transitioning into this more natural alternative life. It is not always easy. It does not happen over night, but every baby step I take toward ridding our home of these harmful substances is one step closer to my goal. I have no guarantee that making these changes will help our fertility issues, and I won't claim that. I have to think of my family and our bodies as a whole and make decisions that effect our entire lives. If this makes us healthier and happier, I have achieved something.
If you too would like to make a step toward a chemical-free home, I would be happy to help you. Check out my website, Grammy's Essentials, and feel free to contact me. Using Young Living products in my home is a decision I will never regret, and I love sharing with others about my experience with the products.
You can also check out this book by Melissa M. Poepping. The Chemical Free Home is a great resource for beginning your process of living chemical-free.
"Tens of thousands of chemicals used in common household products have never had any safety testing or are known to be highly toxic. Even products with labels that make us think they are "safe" for children have ingredients that clearly are not safe. This book identifies some of the common toxins to which we are exposed on a daily basis, and shows how to use essential oil-based substitutes that can achieve the same results without the dangers of chemical-based products. From deodorant to furniture polish to fruit & vegetable spray, this thought-provoking book provides recipes and guidelines that can enhance your healthy lifestyle and provide you with greater peace of mind."You can purchase it here
~Grammy's Essentials Team
The information contained in this blog is for educational purposes only and as a guideline for your personal use. It should not be used as a substitution for medical counseling with a health professional. The contributors and authors do not accept responsibility for such use.