If you have been looking for the perfect time to begin your oily journey THIS is it.
February 2016 brings with it opportunity and lots of savings. With The fantastic offering from Young Living of 10% off of Premium Starter Kits you get an automatic $16 savings. As a special Valentine's gift to you, we are sweetening the deal. When you purchase your discounted PSK, we will send you a $25 VISA gift card.
This is a savings of $41 off the price of the Premium Starter Kit. You are getting essentially $300 in product for only $119!
If that's not enough, we will send you some great literature on getting started with your kit AND add you to our private Facebook groups for support and encouragement as you begin your oily life.
To take advantage of this offer, go to the Join Our Team tab and follow the instructions. Choose either Jessica, Cindy or Katie to enroll under. As soon as we receive notification of your enrollment we will send you the literature and your gift card.
With the risk of sounding like a bad infomercial... "BUT WAIT, There's MORE!!
You have the opportunity to get your kit completely FREE. Yes, free. Check out this post on how you can get your kit free and begin your new toxin-free life with no cost to you.
Want to read more about essential oils? Check out our website to help you or contact us here.
~Grammy's Essentials Team
The information contained in this blog is for educational purposes only and as a guideline for your personal use. It should not be used as a substitution for medical counseling with a health professional. The contributors and authors do not accept responsibility for such use.