Since having my son, 16 months ago, I have not been able to lose weight. It is incredibly frustrating, and I often ignore it. I'm definitely in denial about my physical body. Most days it's not a big deal (mom yoga pants and sweaters cover up a multitude of issues) but it has really been bothering me lately.
Last weekend my husband got some new suits (and oh, he looks GOOD in them.) Since Easter is coming up, I thought I would get myself a new dress and our little family would look so cute at church. That was a good thought, but I wasn't prepared for shopping. After visiting several stores and choking back some tears I finally found a dress I didn't hate and a jacket that I thought would look good with it. I got the ensemble home and tried it on and the dress was ok, but the jacket didn't fit right. I won't wear the dress without the jacket, and nothing I owned looked right with it. Discouraged, I choked back more tears. Do you think anyone would notice if I wore yoga pants to Easter Sunday service?
Last night we had a little family dinner and I guess I was talking with my hands a lot, so my dear husband took several pictures of me. Those yoga pants I thought were covering up issues actually were NOT helping at all. When I looked at the picture, I almost didn't recognize myself. It was shocking. While I've known for over a year that I needed to get my weight under control, it took seeing myself in such an unflattering way to make me really grasp the situation.
When we came home I made a meal plan and I have decided to do something about my weight. Starting Monday I am going into top gear and I'm determined to stay on course and to lose some of this weight. I may need some help though. Accountability is going to play a big role in this for me. I'm sure there are others out there that can also use some encouragement in this area.
Enter the GRAMMY'S HEALTHY 30 challenge.
Starting Monday (March 28, 2016) I will be posting updates and encouragements for those of us participating. See the posts on my Facebook page, Drops of Love and under the hashtag #GrammysHealthy30. If you make any posts, feel free to also use that tag so others participating in the challenge can be encouraged by you.
Everyone's goals are different, but here are some resources I will be using to help me along the way:
- Young Living Essential Oils for weight loss
- Balance complete
- NingXia Red
- NingXia Nitro
- a food journal
- a fitness / weight loss journal to record my progress
- My favorite yoga channel
- a pedometer or fitbit
I hope you are encouraged by this challenge and I pray you will participate and post as well so others (and myself) can be encouraged by you.
Want to read more about essential oils? Check out our website to help you or contact us here.
~Grammy's Essentials Team
The information contained in this blog is for educational purposes only and as a guideline for your personal use. It should not be used as a substitution for medical counseling with a health professional. The contributors and authors do not accept responsibility for such use.