Thursday, July 21, 2016

Label Your Stuff

Top Tip
When I first began to incorporate essential oils into our lives I stuck with the basics. I didn't try to make my own blends or find fun ways I could use my oils in my life. Young Living has a great range of products and I found I could purchase something for most of my needs. When I would create a blend for a specific use I would only make enough to last a couple of applications. It wasn't long though before I ordered my first shipment of empty amber bottles, spray lids and glass droppers. It was SO fun making these blends my family could use. I might have gone a bit over board. I had little bottles EVERYWHERE. There were bottles in the diaper bag, my purse, the stroller bin, etc. every cabinet in the house likely held one of my amber bottles - and they all looked alike.

In my eagerness and excitement to create these wonderful little bottles I got carried away and skipped a very important step: labeling. Yeah, SO simple, yet SO important. I was arrogant enough that I thought, oh, I can just smell it and know what it is. No problem! Until it was. My stain remover roller looked just like the baby calming roller. The detangler spray looked just like the wrinkle releaser spray.

What confusion. Most of the time it wasn't a big deal. Because I used all Young Living essential oils and natural products, there was really no danger, just a lot of guessing. When you accidentally spray yourself with Thieves spray instead of your perfume, it's not the end of the world, but you smell like Christmas instead Spring flowers.

So, word to the wise, LABEL your creations.
I have started simply writing on the bottle with a sharpie. I like this option because all it takes is a little lemon oil and some elbow grease to change the label and I can recycle my bottles. Some have gotten REALLY creative and decorated their bottles. I would like to think I will do that some day, but at this point I don't have the energy to spare on decorating a tiny bottle.

For those who want the labels without having to put as much work into it, I've found this awesome site that not only sells labels but has a TON of great DIY recipes as well. Check it out. (No affiliation, just a concept I think is neat)

Want to read more about essential oils? Check out our website to help you or contact us here.

~Grammy's Essentials Team

The information contained in this blog is for educational purposes only and as a guideline for your personal use. It should not be used as a substitution for medical counseling with a health professional. The contributors and authors do not accept responsibility for such use.