Join us in a 30-day NingXia Red Challenge and prepare to feel better, look better, sleep better, have more energy and much more.
February is a perfect month to show your body some love. For 30 days starting February 1, we challenge you to drink 1-4 oz of NingXia Red EACH DAY.
Look at all the great stuff NingXia Red it has in it:Are you ready to take the CHALLENGE?more beta carotene than carrots more vitamin C than oranges 18 amino acids 21 trace minerals 6 essential fatty acids Vitamin B1, B2, B6 Vitamin E
February 1 – March 1, 2016What do I do:
Track Changes You Notice:Drink 2-4 ounces of Ningxia Red daily AND download the calendar to log each day’s Ningxia Red Post on Your Social Media
Post on your own social media channels regularly with photos and comments about your 30 Day NingXia Red Challenge experiences. Tag your posts with the hashtag, #grammysningxia30 so others participating in the challenge can be encouraged by you.
Throughout February, please be mindful of changes that are going on in your energy levels, your body systems, your overall health.
Feel The NingXia Red Difference!
This page (downloadable here with a free issuu subscription) is a great way to track your NingXia daily intake and also provides a space where you can write how you feel each day. You could also use the space to keep track of your blood glucose levels, weight, and/or blood pressure.
We know from personal experience, you will feel more energized, your body will be fortified, and your entire system revitalized! It will make you feel better in so many ways... more than you ever thought you could!
What to expect:Supplies you will need:
Sustained energy Minimized sugar cravings Improved vision Balanced blood sugar Detox Weight loss (add a few drops of grapefruit oil to water and each shot of Ningxia for best results) An immune boost
[at least] 60 ounces of Ningxia Red (roughly two bottles. You may have to have a third [or some packets] to finish off the month strong).
Ningxia Red can be purchased as an Essential Rewards Kit with 4-bottles and 30 packets for $1.07/ounce. Consider splitting an ER pack with 2 friends or family members and all of you can share the kit and compete!
Want to read more about essential oils? Check out our website to help you or contact us here.
~Grammy's Essentials Team
The information contained in this blog is for educational purposes only and as a guideline for your personal use. It should not be used as a substitution for medical counseling with a health professional. The contributors and authors do not accept responsibility for such use.
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