Friday, October 9, 2015

Super Mom

As a stay / work at home mom, I have a very rewarding yet challenging life. Yes, things are getting easier now that Mr. H is almost 11 months old, but I am finding a whole new set of challenges to overcome as he gets older. He is no longer content to lay in a basinet and gaze at me, he wants to roam the entire house, he wants to snack, and play... with every toy in the house - for only 3 minutes each. Bathroom breaks used to be the only time I was alone, but those solitary trips are no more. The new and improved, mobile version of my son follows me everywhere. Hurricane Henry dirties a room as fast as I can clean it. It takes him seconds to demolish a pile of clean, folded laundry which took hours to get done. (Yes, hours. I HATE doing laundry)

My jobs (besides Wife & Mom): Designer, Photographer, Social Media Coordinator, and Young Living Distributor all offer me flexibility and freedom to work at home and I love that I can help provide for our family and still care for our son. However, it takes a lot of work, and the ability to stay on task... (Really, with a crazy active almost 1 year old ?!) Currently I am making dinner (where would I be without my crockpot?), writing a blog post, uploading a design project to send to the printer, feeding the baby crackers and hummus, (which is now all over my desk, myself and him) telling him for the 1000th time today to stop playing with the computer cord, and waiting for the dishwasher to finish, so i can load it again. The playroom, which I had clean this morning, is COVERED in books, and toys, and I can only find one of my shoes - the other one has joined many other items in Henry's secret treasure spot, we have yet to discover.

Some days I get my jobs done, and others I have a clean house. Rarely, do I get to claim both. I worry that I don't spend enough time actually playing with and interacting with him, so I try to take time to read to him and play with him. Days when I have a deadline are especially stressful for me. As one would expect, those also end up being the days Mr. H cuts a tooth, bangs his head several times, or is not feeling well. Those are the days you can find me wearing him in the Moby, holding him close and still getting my work done (#wearallthebabies).

I laugh when I think about the phrase I was told by everyone when he was little, "Sleep when the baby sleeps." I never understood that one. When H goes down for a nap, it has always been a personal challenge to see exactly how much I can get done before he wakes up. Who has time to nap? I always feel guilty when I do. I picture June Cleaver, and I am quite sure she never napped during the day. WHAT would I tell my Ward I did with my day if I napped? I feel accountable for my time, since I am staying home 'doing nothing' and he works all day.

Luckily for me, I have the best husband in the entire world and he considers it an accomplishment if I simply keep both the baby and myself alive and injury free. The pressure to excel in every area is from me alone. Yes, dh does not demand a meal at the end of the day, or to have the house clean, but I know he appreciates it. I know that clean underwear and work clothes are important to him (yes, I have sent him to work in clothes taken out of the hamper and tossed in the dryer to remove wrinkles). He works so hard to provide for us and I want to thank him by making his time at home enjoyable.

Being 'SUPER MOM' is a lot of pressure, and stress. Sometimes I completely forget to simply take time for me. I admit that brushing my teeth is sometimes all the grooming I get done for the day. Yoga pants and a T are my pjs, and often, the clothes I spend the day in... who needs a bra? How many days have I worn this shirt...? This is my life. I know a lot of you can completely identify with it. I am not alone. You are not alone. Some day, showers and pedicures will be a part of our lives again (hopefully). In the mean time, I do the best I can. My way of taking care of myself is by using my Young Living products. They are mommy's little helpers. I diffuse uplifting, energizing oils at my desk. I drink NingXia Nitro for a boost of energy. I use my Stress Away roller when the pressure starts to get to me. At night, I diffuse Lavender and Bergamot to help all of us to relax and (hopefully) get some sleep. I am thankful that I have these products to help me through the day.

~ Jess & The Grammy's Essentials team

The information contained in this blog is for educational purposes only and as a guideline for your personal use. It should not be used as a substitution for medical counseling with a health professional. The contributors and authors do not accept responsibility for such use.

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